Decorating your property can be as uncomplicated or as hard as you want it to be. While others purchase any items that they like, a few individuals pick a theme. As you level up you will unlock new items-some items will be inaccessible to you for a while, like the Manor or Villa. For a thorough discussion on how item unlocking works for the initial 15 levels, go to Farmville Levels.
You also need your farm to be well-made. You need to be able to plant regularly and harvest your farm if you want to level up. If your field is too packed and unsystematic, you may find this relatively challenging.
I once came across a wonderful Asian inspired rice paddy and green tea farm. It is one of the prettiest and very peaceful farms I've ever seen on Farmville. It featured the Tea House and Pagoda which overlooked the Large Pond. The owner had chosen swans, turtles and ducks as their farm animals. The tea fields and paddy were laid out in a pattern that looked a tad like swirls of a zen garden. I've been thinking of creating another farm just to design my own Oriental getaway because I really liked it!
Old-Time Farming
Utilize old-fashioned items and try old-time farming! Some great selections would include the log cabin, weathered barn, natural wood fencing and workshop. For this kind of farm, leave out the unusual animals and try pigs, horses, cows (no peculiar colors!) and chickens. Determine where in the world you're farming-keep in mind, lemon trees are not native to Idaho but a California farmer might be able to grow it. Bear in mind that to add nifty touches such as the Woodpile, Covered Wagon, Outhouse and, Axe and Block.
Funky Farm
Funky Farm isn't just for the black sheep of the farming family; this is for the neon green sheep with a mohawk! Unleash your inner groove with pink and green animals, unusual harvests and incongruous extras. An absolute must for this kind of farm is the Groovy Barn. You can use Pink Barn as a substitute. To show that you are a unique individual and not scared to use it, use colorful fences and hay bales! Allow your fancy to decide what goes on a farm this cool. Don't worry too much!
Each event will have its specific set of limited time items for you to decorate your field with. Some examples of remarkable events are the Carnival, Christmas, Alien Invasion and Thanksgiving. When you see anything you need, stock up on it as it may never be available again!
Some other ideas to help you brainstorm:
Girly Girl Farm (Think heaps of pink)
Haunted Farm (Halloween items are musts)
English Manor House (Manor plus huge ornamental gardens are essential. A hedge maze and geometric shapes, in addition don't forget the topiaries!)